Schlafly Says O'Connor 'Out of Step'
September 4, 1981
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The audience, which punctuated anti-abortion speeches with clapping, whistling and shouts of "Amen!" heard Mrs. Schlafly and others denounce Judge O'Conpor during a 12- PHYLLIS SCHLAFL Y hour rally Thursday. Mrs. Schlafly, who has campaigned against passage of the Equal Rights Amendment, called Judge O'Connor's nomination by President Reagan a "blessing in disguise" because it "could arouse the nation to cut down the power of the federal courts." MORAL Majority leader Jerry Falwell, who said be promised Reagan he would withhold public comment on Judge O'Connor's nomination until after next week's U.S. Senate confirmation hearings, focused on condemning abortion. "America's national sin is abortion," Falwell said. "God will judge America, perhaps with Soviet missiles, if we don't put an end to this biological holocaust." Organizers estimated the convention center crow ...